
Presentation of the 'Mapping The Englightenment' project (work-in progress) and Future Steps

Date: Monday, 11 September 2017
Venue: The Ionic Center, Lisiou 11, 105 56, Plaka, Athens, Greece

Download the brochure

Time Information
17:00-17:10 Welcome and Introductions
17:10-17:30 Chair: Eirini Goudarouli
Speaker: Despoina Valatsou
Title: Digital Humanities and History of Science: intersections of doing
17:30-17:50 Chair: Vassilis Routsis
Speaker: George Vlahakis
Title: Enlightenment and natural philosophy during the 18th century. The invisible networks
17:50-18:00 Break
18:00-18:45 Chair: Despoina Valatsou
Speakers: Eirini Goudarouli, Vassilis Routsis, Manolis Patiniotis
Title: Mapping the Enlightenment: Intellectual Networks and the Making of Knowledge in the European Periphery
18:45-19:00 Break
19:00-19:30 Chair: Manolis Patiniotis
Speakers: Ana Simões, João Machado, José Avelãs Nunes
Title: A digital humanities approach to the circulation of Portuguese estrangeirados during the Enlightenment: networks and mapping
19:40-19:45 Chair: Manolis Patiniotis
General Discussion